TrueUSD Announcement

1 min readJul 14, 2023


In December 2020, TrueCoin, LLC (a subsidiary of Archblock, Inc.) transferred the business ownership of TrueUSD (“TUSD”) to Techteryx, an Asia-based consortium. Techteryx brings to TUSD significant resources and a vast global network to support the growth of stablecoin and reach new markets.

While Techteryx focuses on broadening TUSD use cases in international markets in line with its vision for global expansion, the Archblock team has continued to support the TUSD business with its operations and compliance, as well as oversight of TUSD’s banking and fiduciary partners, following the transfer of ownership in late 2020.

Effective July 13, 2023, the final stage of TUSD’s international transition will commence and Techteryx will assume full management of all offshore operations and services related to TUSD, including minting and redemptions, customer onboarding and compliance, as well as fiat reserve and supervision of all banking and fiduciary relationships. Existing US users will continue to be supported by the Archblock team during the transition period, with Techteryx providing necessary assistance, which we will update in line with further developments. Both current and future offshore customers of TUSD will be able to access their TUSD accounts via the TUSD.IO ( website, which is under development. We will keep the community updated.




TUSD is the world’s most trusted stablecoin, fully backed by USD and independently attested live and on-chain, now moving billions of dollars around the world.