Tutorial | Earn Dual-Token Rewards with TUSD from Balancer Stablecoin Liquidity Pool

4 min readMar 31, 2022

The TrueUSD team is now running a stablecoin pool liquidity incentive program with Balancer, one of the top five automated market makers (AMM) by total value locked (TVL) on Polygon. Users who provide liquidity to the TUSD-DAI-USDC-USDT pool can receive BAL and TUSD rewards. The TVL in this pool has surpassed $64 million, attracting a swarm of users.

Stablecoin liquidity mining undoubtedly offers the highest sense of security in the current bear market. Read on to participate in the stablecoin pool liquidity incentive program on Balancer and unlock high returns and rewards hands down.

How to participate in Balancer’s stablecoin pool liquidity incentive program?

Step 1. Log in to Balancer’s website (the Polygon version) and connect to your wallet.

Balancer’s website:

Click here and find the TUSD-DAI-USDC-USDT stablecoin pool.

Choose a wallet and click “Connect wallet”.

Step 2. Transfer your TUSD from Ethereum to Polygon.

Log in to your Polygon Wallet, click “Bridge” to transfer your TUSD from Ethereum to Polygon, and then click “Transfer”.

Please make sure you have sufficient assets in your wallet to pay the handling fee for the transfer. After that, click “Continue”.

You will receive a notification after the transfer is completed. Please be patient, as the process might take seven to eight minutes.

Step 3. Add liquidity to the TUSD-DAI-USDC-USDT stablecoin pool.

It is recommended that you add liquidity to the TUSD-DAI-USDC-USDT stablecoin pool at a ratio of 1:1:1:1. Otherwise, additional fees will be incurred. Click “Invest” to add liquidity to the pool. For the purpose of illustration, we will take the liquidity of TUSD as an example here.

The process consists of two steps.

The second step requires an amount of gas fee. Please make sure you have sufficient MATIC.

The window below shows that the liquidity has been added. There will be additional fees as only the TUSD liquidity is added. Your potential weekly yield will also be displayed here.

After the liquidity is added, all you need to do is to wait for your BAL and TUSD rewards!

At this moment, the proportion of the four stablecoins in the pool is as follows. You may add liquidity in any of the other three stablecoins by repeating the steps above.

I’m sure now you know how to participate in Balancer’s TUSD pool liquidity incentive program. Going forward, TrueUSD will further cooperate with the automated market maker protocol Balancer, and it is also about to introduce Ethereum-powered TUSD Boosted Pools.

More benefits and earning opportunities are coming. Stay tuned!

If you want to know more about TUSD you can visit us here:




TUSD is the world’s most trusted stablecoin, fully backed by USD and independently attested live and on-chain, now moving billions of dollars around the world.